Knocked up / Retirement Meat Family Hash

Knocked up / Retirement Meat Family Hash


so we had a hash,

a hound got lost, but on trail,

a couple of hares bickered with each other,

a sacred kennel vest was passed on to a new custodian,

we had some burgers, chicken and potato salad (spiced just right).

accusations were few, or numerous, i can’t recall.
however, trail was nearly perfect, from what i can recall.

enthusiastically, one of the retired hares retired his dress shirts to the kennel. 

AND retired one or two that still fit his new plus size body.
if any hounds find a dress shirt NOT from Kirland, AND

larger in neck size than 17 1/2 inch, the hare, who shall remain unnamed, requests return of said shirt(s). 

    -On-On !!


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