We’re the Motown Ann Arbor Hash House Harriers, a non-competitive running & walking club that hosts weekly(-ish) “Hashes” all around Metro Detroit. Hashing is a fun, socially focused, adventurous way to get outdoors for some exercise on the weekend, let off some steam, and meet interesting people.
The easiest way to join? Just show up to the next hash!
In the meantime, feel free to poke around and get acquainted 🙂
Next Scheduled Hash:
- 12th Anal PJ & Jammies hash
- Sunday, Feb 2nd @ 2pm
- Nancy Whiskey – 2644 Harrison St, Detroit MI 48216
- Hash Cash: $10
- Trail: 4-6 miles for R#nners; Less for Walkers. Spawn/Stroller/Kilt friendly. NOT dog friendly.
- Wear PJs / Nightwear! – Full details
Quick Links:
- New to hashing? Scroll down!
WTF is the Hash?? Here’s a quick introduction!

What is it??
Often called “A drinking club with a running problem,” there’s plenty of info out there about the world-wide phenomenon of “hashing” and its 80+ year history — but in short, a “hash” is essentially a running / walking scavenger hunt for beer (not that you have to drink beer) in which “hares” lay elaborately tricky trails for the “pack” to follow. Regional chapters of Hash House Harriers are called kennels. Our kennel is called Motown Ann Arbor Hash House Harriers, or “MoA2H3.”
What do we do?
- We meet up to find and follow a marked trail laid by a Hare (Those following trail are the Pack / Harriers).
- The Trail is made using marks of flour or chalk — it may have false branches, check-backs, and other fun quirks to keep things interesting and to keep the faster folks (FRBs, affectionately “Front-Running B@stards”) from getting too far ahead.
- Trail should eventually lead to the Beer Near (beverage stop), then it’s on to the next leg of trail and the next Beer Near! Our trails typically have 2 stops.
- Our kennel’s trails are typically 5-6 miles in total length, with a shorter version for walkers.
- This is not a competitive or set-pace run — the goal is to socialize and have fun outdoors. There is a wide spectrum of paces / ages / abilities for runners and walkers in our group, from folks who barely exercise to maniacs who run ultra marathons.
As you may have already noticed, we have some hash lingo, which is bolded in green throughout this page. Don’t worry—you’ll get the hang of it!
What should I expect if I show up?
- Expect that you may get dirty, so don’t wear your nicest workout clothes or your brand new shoes.
- Make sure you tell one of us you’re new (aka – a virgin). We’ll show you the ropes! You’ll introduce yourself as “Just <<insert your name here>>” e.g., “Just John.”
- Expect to hear some weird names! Most of the people in the hash have a hash name. This means they’ve done (or been involved with) something stupid or funny on trail and have earned a commensurately stupid or funny name.
- Before we start, we have Circle. This is where we introduce ourselves and have Chalk Talk where we explain the marks you’ll see on trail.
- When we finish trail we’ll have another Circle for Ceremonies, where various traditions are observed, including singing (our very dumb and often dirty) hash songs, sharing humorous stories, and partaking in Down-Downs (drinking rituals where hashers drink beer or other beverages, typically as penance for breaking some rule on trail. Pro tip: There are no rules!).
- The conclusion of Ceremonies marks the end of the hash, though some of us will proceed to the On-After for food and drinks at a bar / restaurant, or a hasher’s home.
How much does it cost?
The MOA2H3 hash cash fee is currently $10 (Subject to change). Hash Cash is what you pay at the start of each hash — It covers beverages, snacks, a marked trail, and occasional gifts.
- Beverages: May include: “lawnmower”-style beer (think: PBR), better/craft beer (depends on your hare!), bottled water, and maybe some other alcoholic beverages (like white claws, little shooters, etc). You’ll typically be offered beverages at the start, at each Beer Near, at Circle, and maybe even on trail.
- Snacks: Also called Orange Food. Any Beer Near / Beverage Stop should include some light snacks. It’s customary for snacks to be orange (like Cheetos) but not required.
- Trail: The most important part! A planned trail marked in chalk/flour to follow to the Beer Nears (Our trails typically feature two “BNs”)
- Anniversary gifts: Some Hash Cash goes to fund small gifts for folks who hash often and are awarded when people hit various hashing milestones.
Hash Cash does not include food / drinks at the On After, which is paid for individually.
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