Haring Guide & Checklist
Interested in haring a trail for the group? Thank you! Way to step up and be amazing.
First things first:
Check the calendar to find an open date you’d like to claim, then confirm your selection with the Hare Raiser.
Please get your information to the Hare Raiser and Webmaster as early as possible—fewer people may show up if you delay. Preliminary information is OK as long as it indicates day, start time and approximate start location. This is very important, especially for visitors trying to plan ahead. Please have final information in no later than the Thursday before the hash so the website and hotline can be updated.
- If you are a virgin hare you it is suggested that you ask someone else to help you.
- Typical Spring/Summer (Daylight Savings) start times are 3:00 (1500) hash time / 3:30 (1530) real time. Winter times (after Daylight Savings ends) change to 2:00 (1400) / 2:30 (1430) real time.
- Verify the route distance using on online mapping tool such as GMaps Pedometer, On The Go Map, or MapMyRun.com.
- It’s always best to scout your trail in person—you can’t always tell how hash-able an area is from online maps alone.
- Become familiar with the route to make sure that you do not cross private property or get lost.
- Make sure that sections of the trail are not too close to each other, especially if pre-laying.
- For pre-laid trail, act as a “sweeper” following the pack to ensure nobody gets lost.
- Plan for walkers. Have an alternate shortcut route to allow them to get to checks and finish close to the same time as runners. For planning assume a 20 minute per mile walker pace.
- In cold weather try to keep the final beer check within 1/2 mile of the end.
- As a guideline, try to plan approximately 3-4 miles of true trail, using falses, back-checks, or Turkey/Eagle splits to make longer trail options for FRB’s.
- Shorter (Fat Boy) and longer (Death March) trails are OK if clearly advertised as such in advance.
Supplies & Materials
Hares are responsible for providing all supplies for the hash trail, including:
- BEvERages (Meaning beer, water, & NAs) for the on-start / pre-lube
- Beer/shooters/whatever for FRBs & FWBs
- Beverages for the Beer Checks
- Beverages for after trail / Ceremonies
- Orange food for Beer Checks & Ceremonies
- Flour for marking trail
- Carpenter’s Chalk or Tempura Paint to color flour to differentiate runner/walker trails, or to contrast with snow.
- Sidewalk chalk or pieces of drywall for marking trail
- A tennis ball (Totally optional, but a tennis ball dipped in flour leaves a nice mark on pavement and sidewalks)
Laying Trail:
- Use flour and chalk to leave marks for the pack to follow. Make sure that you have enough material to clearly mark trail (It’s always good to leave extra flour/chalk at the 1st Beer Check if you think you’ll need to refill for the 2nd leg of trail). Trail marks should be environmentally safe to ‘Leave No Trace’. Test prior to start to make sure marks will be visible.
- Marks should be a relatively constant distance apart. Usually not more than about half a block, depending on the terrain. Marks should be visible from the direction the pack is running.
- Leave marks where they can be seen clearly, such as on trees, manhole covers, sidewalks. Avoid leaving marks on the edge of streets where cars can park on block them, or traffic can remove them. If changing direction, such as crossing a street, leave an arrow or a check.
- Marks should follow a general path or direction and be consistent. Any direction changes should be marked with a check or hare arrow.
- Do not use too many back checks or you may confuse the pack, and yourself. Short back checks are a useful tool in gaining time on a live trail.
- Always make sure that you have a minimum of 3 marks between checks. Do not have a check on a False trail.
- For beer checks, try to locate in secluded areas. Consider getting an assistant to drive a beer wagon for you, or park a car that a walker could then drive to the end. If leaving a cooler of beer make sure that you are not being watched so that it is still there when the pack arrives. Don’t forget your keys!!
- Leave marks at the start location so that if anyone arrives early they will know that the hash will be there. Be at the start location a few minutes before the hash is supposed to start.
- Make sure that everyone can finish the trail before it gets dark. This is especially important in the winter when it gets dark earlier. If you think it may get dark before everyone can finish (such as a Full Moon hash) advise the group to bring flashlights in the information.