Earth Day Hash
So there I was, standing at the first BN waiting for the cop car to drive away. After a few minutes he decided that we were not at the boat launch to sell Heroin so he took off. It could not have been timed better since very shortly after that the Turkeys, Eagles, and Walkers all rolled in at the same time. There may or may not have been pre-laid trails, but with the lack of pre-planning, the hares were pleasantly surprised to see the pack together.
The next leg was truly laid live as the pack could tell by the 15 minute head start we needed. For some reason the hashers decided to be nice to us and actually wait the full time too! The first leg crossed the double tracks and took the pack through the interesting part of Monroe. So, on the second leg everyone was asked to do their anual duty and pick up trash along the way since they could make an impact there. There could have been some confusing falses or back checks laid, or the amount of trash slowed them down but the walker beat the runners in this time. There were some interesting trash pieces too. Banjo carried a trash can that had been beaten to hell with a note written on it to the trash men to collect it; clearly it must have used too many words since it was found on trail. Tranny proved that not all Monroe people are dumb since he found a freshly filled condom. Pro-Boner was happy to show everyone his meat, well at least the meat he found on trail. The trash collecting prize goes to Slurpee since not only did he and Scottish carry a filled trash can, but also made sure he showed everyone the Busch & Tail he collected along the way. Thank you to all the hashers that collected trash! I guess collectively everyone behaved well (except for stealing the Fireball) since MT (mother Teresa) said we could bring the hash back if we are in the area.
The third leg (aka heading back to the On-Start) left the runner looking for trail on Hollywood in front of the nicest homes in Monroe. Not sure if it would be better to call that a starburst or check, but it gave the hares times to get out of view. This leg was just making the way back to the start but with the rain and wind and some great false trails the walkers beat the runners again.
Trail may have been a little long and ceremonies were definitely cut short by the weather, but I think a good time was had by all. Thank you to all the hashers that did their good deed for the Earth on Sunday & Happy Earth Day!