Prohibition Hash

Prohibition Hash

The sea was angry that day my friends.  Your Narrator knew he was in trouble when Whip it out showed up with a bottle of gin, yes , a bottle of gin, to celebrate the end of prohibition.  Fortunately, I’m not a Cock was the lead hare.  There were many wonderful, plentiful brews to quell the taste of Satan’s asshole that resided in Whip’s gin bottle.
Circle was rowdy and disorganized as one might expect.  The most surprising happening was Diaper Rash yelling at the kennel to be quiet and listen to the hare’s instructions.  The typical pied piper of chaos urging calm and order ??????  The rapture is upon us my friends.  After a flour blessing by Semper Pi, and several beer cans hurled at them like grenades, I’m not a Cock, Kitty porn dungeon, and Bad Lay ( more on that later) were off.
The pack was a bit stymied by an unusual mark found 2.5 miles deep.  (Actual mileage may vary as myself, Diaper Rash and Vaginaint went rogue early on.) There was an F, with an arrow on top, three dots of flower above that, and no other trail in sight.  Obviously the work of Just Nicole.  The pack splintered at this point with most of us picking up walker trail and continuing on.    I’ll suck you guys dry thought he knew a better way.  He disappeared into the woods and would not be seen again until circle.  Poor little guy missed two beer checks and was forced to suck on a couple of empties he found in the woods. Chickendick, CAKEHOLE, and myself opted to run alot of the first half shirtless.  To all the Harriets who commented about our breast size, your jealousy is very, very ugly.
Things fell apart a bit more after the first beer check.  Most of the pack made it to beer check number two. 7 of us did not. Try as we might, true trail was elusive.  We all stayed huddled in the warmth of Pro Boner’s Jeep until the pack arrived.
Most of us blamed Just Nicole for all of the trails shortcomings.  There were several names proposed.  Most alluding to drug use or mental disabilities, but the best name won out.  Backstage ass proposed Bad Lay, and wonderfully, it stuck.  Here’s to Bad Lay she’s true blue ……. Yours truly was also awarded an engraved mug for haring 25 times.  🙂
The on after at the Shamrock bar brought back many wonderful memories.  Shortly after I pulled CAKEHOLE into this world of debauchery, his virgin hare on after was at the Shamrock.  He spent a couple hours holding up, and puking on, the back wall of this place.  Good times…….
My evening was capped off by being pulled over by the Brighton State Police for running a stop sign.  Fortunately, it was a female officer.  I cried, showed her my tits, and was let off with a civil infraction.
Hashers, you crazy bastards, I love you.  See you soon !!!!!
Yours truly
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