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Author: Scottish Finger Cuffs

Gutter’s 2nd Annual F###-Off Hash

Gutter’s 2nd Annual F###-Off Hash

There was a hash today!Unfortunately, Gutter Guzzler is departing MOA2H3 to go live with his grandpa (???), so he threw a hash in the hellscape that is the ex-urban north-Novi/M-5 corridor. Hashers arrived in the department store-sized parking lot of “Uptown Grille” and drove all the way to the back to commence Circle. A suspicious lack of example marks made some of us question the legitimacy of everything from the get-go, but we set off on trail anyway. Trail was well-laid and easy to follow,…

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Fruit Cake Toss Hash

Fruit Cake Toss Hash

Hash Trash 22 Jan 2022, # 1702 or something like that. We need hares – see message sent earlier today by Cox today Interested in going to Trinidad for World Interhash in April? I have a rego for sale. Cheap. In honor of Burns Night, also mentioned by Cox, let me share my favorite poem by The Heaven Sent Ploughman, or rather, the only one I can recite after having more than a few wee drams: Oor Gudewife’s Sae Modest…

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Gutter Haring -With Bonus Malort Mile trail

Gutter Haring -With Bonus Malort Mile trail

It was a beautiful day for a hash. Sunny and almost above freezing. The pack gathered, had chalk talk and then we were away. And then Dung Shit showed up and we were away again. Trail started out with longish falses for the runners and walkers much. After that is was zigging and zagging on the streets of Canton with the occasional bit of shiggy-ish bit and plenty of ice to test your balance. True to his word, for once,…

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First Official Hash of the Year 2022

First Official Hash of the Year 2022

Hash Trash 08Jan2022, First Official Hash of the Year 2022 (or more accurately, 2020 3.0), Run #1706 Yeah, yeah….I’m late with submitting hash trash. But those of you who know me – me being late?? – that’s right on par! So, we had a hash, and temperature was a balmy 27deg with virtually no sun to be seen. I pull up in my grocery-getter pick-up to find 7 hashers, 4 of which turned out to be the hares. Backstage Ass…

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OhowIhateOhioState XI Hash Weekend

OhowIhateOhioState XI Hash Weekend

Friday night started with us congregating in the basement of the Heidelberg Bar, one of the few places left in Ann Arbor that doesn’t mind the hash. Tasty beers and conversations with new and old friends flowed. After a bit Whip and guest hare Serving Seamen set out for stop #2, Haymaker Public House. The long bar was mostly empty and seemed just right for a thirsty hasher to find a cold beer. After ignoring us for several minutes and…

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Hash Trash 17 Oct 2021: M*rathon Edition

Hash Trash 17 Oct 2021: M*rathon Edition

Dawn is coming later these days. It was a glorious, clear morning to be watching the sun come up of Canada-land while hauling coolers full of beer over Detroit’s smooth streets and sidewalks. Not a lot to say about this one. We came. They came. The beer and Fireball flowed and there was much rejoicing. Early on I was up the road with some flour, leaving a large ON ON, BN and true trail arrow. Officer friendly asked what I…

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Maple Sap Hash

Maple Sap Hash

Yes! There was a hash yesterday! Or did a lot of people just gather in a Metropark to fall on their asses on ice? You decide. Anyway, there we were standing around waiting for circle to start when Lord of the Banjos gets a phone call. His facial expression transforms from confusion to shock to horror. Who’s on the other end of the line? No Pussy of course, who has been dropped off accidentally by his Uber 2 miles from…

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Yes! There was a hash yesterday!

Yes! There was a hash yesterday!

So there we were driving down a one-way, dog infested street in a tiny neighborhood where probably 75 % of the remaining residents of Delray call home. We found the snow covered parking lot. You could tell we were in the right spot as the missing member of ICP, 2 Dopey was there to greet us (See below.) After hearty hellos and a longer than necessary chalk talk, although with a wonderfully vivid neon orange flour, the hares were off…

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Halloween Hash Costume Party

Halloween Hash Costume Party

so there i was……… At first BN while waiting for runners one walker [TMI 😉 ]was a bit frustrated at how short the first half distance had been. admittedly I had been disoriented with the area on first pass. i did however assure said hasher that the 2nd half would be more. after having waited for runners their fearless hare set off to find her missing souls. She was a bit concerned given that at least 1 runner should have…

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Cum while they are sleeping hash re-cap

Cum while they are sleeping hash re-cap

There I was on a Thursday evening getting ready to beat my meat to some hot covid antibody chicks, but first I had to wait for the email with the passcode for my 7-day trial. When I stumbled upon an email from none other than Coxcykle stating that there that hares were needed for the weekend. While the image of Cocykles hairy legs emerging from his shorts turned my half-cub member full flaccid it did spark a fire inside and…

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