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Author: Scottish Finger Cuffs

F-F Goose Haring

F-F Goose Haring

Summary: We somehow pulled off another successful hash. Of the 20ish hashers who participated this weekend only 2 got really lost, so I consider that a win. Some notes: – Multiple hashers commented that following the ground impressions from the Blumpkin/Boner Stroller made it much easier to follow trail. There are requests that Blumpkin do this for every trail from now on. – The group hashers at 5:00 took the first “FRB” seriously, clearing an entire cooler of 8-10 beverages…

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Norman Cockwell and Slip-n-Ride Haring

Norman Cockwell and Slip-n-Ride Haring

So THERE WE WERE at the Beer Grotto in Dexter listening to VAgiant explain to No Pussy that No Pussy’s new job is actually a demotion and not a promotion. Asti asked me if I was nervous to co-hare with Norman Cockwell, which I thought was a strange question until we actually started the hash and I realized that Cockwell had not told me diddly about trail route and I had no idea where I was going 95% of the…

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Puta Hash

Puta Hash

So there I was…… sitting in the pavilion waiting for my cohares. Most of the trail planning was done but there may have been a little scouting and prelaying to do before the pack shows up. The heat of the day was definitely going to kick our asses. Free Cunt and Scottish Fingercuffs show up and we go on our happy way exploring the aspects of trail. While out and about Slurpee pops out of the woods from doing a…

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Evil Dead: The Hash RESERECTION

Evil Dead: The Hash RESERECTION

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the Evil Dead Hash. Things started well with some sweet hash swag but the situation quickly declined when The pack missed an entire half of trail, finding the second beer near first. Yay beer ! There was an impromptu snowball fight. One in which your humble narrator was viciously assaulted in the left testicle. 😢. There was a new favorite hash song discovered, SHAME ! There…

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OhHowIHateOhioState XI (now with even more hate)

OhHowIHateOhioState XI (now with even more hate)

There was still a chill in the air and dawn was near….when we decided to put a end to the Indeterminate Pub Crawl because, damnit, I had to set trail in a few hours! A few hours later there was still a chill in the air but the sun was visible. Fueled by bagels, our friend alcohol, and a $0 hash cash the pack came together at Hunt Park. A pre-trail highlight was Capt.Underpants deciding that staying upright was too…

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Cinco De Mayo Hash

Cinco De Mayo Hash

Cinco De Mayo Hash! So there we were in Mexican Town hoping to partake in the Cinco De Mayo parade. Many hashers were dressed as luchadores while others tried to fit in and dress like the locals. Winter Merkin provided the blessing. Merkin’s Blessing “Que el camino sea largo. Que haya mucha cerveza por todos. Los luchadores sobrios. Merecen el agua Porque son pendejos. Ay, ay, ay, ay ¡Corran borrachos! Porque queremos cerveza. Y esperamos un buen camino.” What the…

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MOA2H3 29th Analversary Pub Crawl

MOA2H3 29th Analversary Pub Crawl

Hash Trash – MOA2H3 29th Analversary Pub Crawl What an epic pub crawl! Although the weather was yucky, the Spirits were definitely running high. Our first stop, ‘Briggs’. Love this place, the staff was awesome, food and drinks were great and hey what a way to start our crawl than at an up and cumming gay bar. Thanks Pro Boner for the recommendation. Our next stop, hashers favorite, “Jacoby’s”. Plenty more alcohol to consume. Rumor has it that the bar…

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Prohibition Hash

Prohibition Hash

The sea was angry that day my friends.  Your Narrator knew he was in trouble when Whip it out showed up with a bottle of gin, yes , a bottle of gin, to celebrate the end of prohibition.  Fortunately, I’m not a Cock was the lead hare.  There were many wonderful, plentiful brews to quell the taste of Satan’s asshole that resided in Whip’s gin bottle. Circle was rowdy and disorganized as one might expect.  The most surprising happening was…

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MC Hammer’ed Hash

MC Hammer’ed Hash

So there we were in lovely Mon-roe hanging out near the basketball court and military helicopters… Show decided to tap his foot towards a local who was there for a ‘pick up’ basketball game, no game happened so instead he ran his virgin hash with us. The hashers started to gather, then the hardcore boys showed up, the ones that decided to run a beer mile in Ypsi before the hash. This was really the first step of MC Hammer…

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Earth Day Hash

Earth Day Hash

So there I was, standing at the first BN waiting for the cop car to drive away. After a few minutes he decided that we were not at the boat launch to sell Heroin so he took off. It could not have been timed better since very shortly after that the Turkeys, Eagles, and Walkers all rolled in at the same time. There may or may not have been pre-laid trails, but with the lack of pre-planning, the hares were…

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